rewored fossil câu
No, this is my collection of, uh, fossil samples.Ko, đó là bộ sưu tập của tớ về các mẫu hóa thạch There's another there. This is a fos...

content of fossil
This tax would be levied on the carbon content of fossil fuels, rather than on energy content.Thuế này sẽ được đánh vào hàm lượng carbo...

derived fossil
Another example is a derived fossil , which is a fossil that has been eroded from an older bed and redeposited into a younger one.Một v...

fossil bones
Dr Wedel said: “We can’t just study fossil bones by themselves.Tiến sĩ Wedel giải thích: “Chúng ta không thể chỉ dựa vào những bộ xương...

fossil fuel
There is no such thing as clean fossil fuel.Không có sự tồn tại của nhiên liệu đốt thô sạch. Vietnam’s fossil fuel sources are depleti...

fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas.Nhiên liệu đốt khô bao gồm than đá, dầu và khí ga tự nhiên. We are burning so many fossil ...

fossil imprint
Astronomers have long suspected there was an ancient outburst from the hibernating black hole, but it's only now that they believe they...

fossil oil
In a world that has fully decarbonized, demand for fossil oil should be close to zero.Trong một thế giới đã khử cacbon hoàn toàn, nhu c...

fossil record
There are many "missing links" in the fossil record.Có nhiều “liên kết bị thiếu” trong hồ sơ hóa thạch. The fossil record shows wave a...

fossil resin
Research on fossil resin indicates that some colors are found only in certain tress.Nghiên cứu về nhựa hóa thạch chỉ ra rằng một số màu...

fossil water
Fossil water is a non-renewable resource.Nước hoá thạch là nguồn tài nguyên không tái tạo được. But the fossil water reserves are seve...

fossil wood
After the peak warmth of the Cretaceous thermal maximum the climate, both regionally and globally, appears to have cooled as seen in th...

index fossil
If an index fossil is thought to be 70 million years old, then the rock layer in which it was found must also be 70 million years old.N...

leading fossil
Chomsky called the potential effects of this policy “devastating,” noting that the US is on course to overtake Saudi Arabia as the worl...

living fossil
Rare "living fossil" shark caught in AustraliaCận cảnh "cá mập yêu tinh" kỳ dị bắt được ở Australia Charles Darwin called the ginkgo t...

transitional fossil
Sometimes called a transitional fossil or missing link.Đó chính là transitional fossil hay còn gọi là missing links Sometimes called a ...

fossil fuels by country
Fossil fuels by country •Nhiên liệu hóa thạch theo quốc gia

fossil fuels in asia
The United States’ reliance on Middle Eastern oil and the carbon emissions produced by the surging demand for fossil fuels in Asia tend...

fossil fuels in europe
Offshore Wind Power Is Pulling Even With Fossil Fuels In EuropeNăng lượng gió ngoài khơi đang kéo ngay cả với nhiên liệu hóa thạch ở ch...

fossil fuels in russia
About fossil fuels in Russia, of course it is a very important, even fundamental, issue.Xưng hô trong tiếng Nhật, đây chắc chắn là một ...

non-fossil fuel
Astoundingly, 98% of the energy Costa Rica generates is from non-fossil fuel sources.Ở Costa Rica chẳng hạn, 98% nhiên liệu hiện là từ ...